We usually know it is spring, because the weather gently lets us know and Track and Field practices start. This year the weather was a little reluctant, but that didn’t stop or slow down our kiddos from getting out and trying various running, jumping, and throwing events in our school yard and through town. Mrs. Baldwin, Mrs. Clemis and Mr. Anderson work with students in the various events to ensure that every student is involved in at least one event. Today, we held a practice at Stonewall Collegiate, so that students could practice their events in the spaces that those events will take place on Monday.

It is forecasted to be quite hot on Monday. We will bring a large water carrier with us, as well as a small shade tent. But, please ensure that your children have the following packed:
1. WATER – I would ask that every student has AT LEAST one large, labelled water bottle – we will also bring a water carrier to refill and they will be able to refill if necessary in the high school
2. HAT – I would ask that every student has a hat for the day
3. SUNSCREEN – if possible, please apply sunscreen in the morning, and if your child (like myself) is a ‘burner’ please have them pack sunscreen for the day, so that they are able to apply when needed
4. SNACKS & LUNCH – We are there for the day, but will not have access to microwaves – please pack a bag lunch. There will also be a canteen available, so you may also choose to send money in addition to snacks.
5. RUNNING SHOES, SHORTS, T-SHIRT –It is a very active and busy day, please ensure that you child has appropriate active clothing and footwear for the day.

in: Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 School Sports